Monday, May 24, 2010

I am a convicted class c felon in Wa. state. Are black powder mussel load pistols considered to be a firearm?

I was convicted of having a controled substance (meth) back in 2002. I have paid all my fines and have completed all the requirements set by the court(jail,probation,etc.).

I am a convicted class c felon in Wa. state. Are black powder mussel load pistols considered to be a firearm?
Yes it is a firearm. You have to have your rights restored to be lagal about it. A lot of hunters in my area go back to prison every year because they think that people have forgotten. A friend of mine is 48 years old - had a felony conviction when he was 25. Went to prison this year for hunting.
Reply:A lawyer and a judge and a few good buddies that can testify that you have cleanened up your act may get your rights restored providing your state will even allow it.

But there is hope. but be fore warned if you commit another crime jail cold be forever, judges don't like being made into suckers.
Reply:All guns are considered a firearm...I think the only thing u can own is a shotgun.
Reply:Check with your local police.

Now, I'm really interested in loading a black powder pistol with seafood... Do those bi-valves complain too much about being stuffed in the MUZZLE of a weapon? And what are you planning on bagging with them. Just curious...

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