Saturday, May 22, 2010

Now that government, has upgraded cannabis from class C to class B?

Will dealers also keep their side of the bargain by not trying to sell really low-grade shitt?

Now that government, has upgraded cannabis from class C to class B?
Hahaha well that's a different take on it!
Reply:Not likely. They will sell what you will buy. May even raise the price due to more chance taking.
Reply:All drug dealers should be hung.
Reply:Sorry dude but we don't get low grade shite, only good quality home grow.

The reclassification is not going to affect me nor my friends, we will continue as normal like everyone in the country will.

You need to change dealers or come up North !

By the way for all you against smoking cannabis, I am not a drop out, I have a Phd in inorganic chemistry, I have a mortgage, a wife a dog a good job.

The only thing I wish is that instead of Gordon Brown doing what he pleases he listened to those in the know, the people he asked to do the report in the first place. Instead he has done the complete opposite.

Just take a look at bbc have your say, majority don't want a reclasification.

I wonder if Gordon Brown drinks alchohol ?

Thing that annoys me is that alchohol is a drug that has been manufactured by humans to create a drink that get you drunk, the drink comes from a plant.

Cannabis is a plant that has not been synthesised or distilled or fermented, it is as it is - just now we know how to grow it better.

Sorry for rant I'm just annoyed about the whole thing !!

flowers on line

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