Monday, May 24, 2010

What drugs are in class c?

just wondering i know weed is.............

What drugs are in class c?
cannabis, tranquillisers, valium and anabolic steroids

Maximum penalties for possession are two years in jail plus an unlimited fine.

Dealing or supplying could get you 14 years in jail plus an unlimited fine
Reply:blacks and blunts










Cannabinol and its derivatives

Cannabis and cannabis resin

Reply:Actually weed is NOT class "c" it is class "A" which mean (regardless of evidence) that it has no known medical use (clearly bs. legalizing would hurt the drug and alcohol, paper, fuel, and various other

Cocaine oddly enough is Class "C" because it is used as a numbing agent for surgery.

Ketamine is hardly fatal (not to say it like many other substances can't be fatal...) It is class "c" because of it's use as a tranquilizer for cats (as a note, it used to be approved for human surgery, but due to the "k-hole" effect and people complained about it and they stopped using it for humans)

Heroin is Class A, as is opium (the base substance of heroin) but these (which are all made from Opium) are Class B, along with Morphine, Codeine, Oxcycotin, etc)

All the classes signifiy is current political/scientific thinking on a particular drug, after bush and company leave office (assuming they do leave...and aren't replaced by new neo-con studges), there very well may be a re-examination of MJ...Evidence truely suggests it is time to re-classify the drug

For the most up to date information on the classification of both various perscription drugs and illegal narcotics you should check the DEA's website.

Class A: No known medical value, high addiction/abuse potential (Can't be prescibed) (Pot, Heroin)

Class B: Known medical value, high addiction/abuse potential (Can be prescribed in hospitals) (Morphine)

Class C: Known medical value, some potential for abuse, used by perscription only (Cocaine, Ketamine)
Reply:Ketamine, which is used lots by drug users but it is fatal !! Shold really be Class A I reckon-some drugs supplied by GP's are Class C
Reply:The ones that aren't smart enough to get into class b
Reply:not many - mushrooms might be,

flowers on line

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